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At the beginning of the last century Don Jose Maria Navarro brought the first coffee seeds to the Region of Tiger, also known as Llano Angeles today one of the most famous coffee regions of the world named Tarrazú

Don Navarro Jose knew that the height and the quality of the land would mark a difference in the flavor of the coffee, but he did not imagine that once his idea would produce one of the best coffees of the world.

Nevertheless, the family had to spent approximately one hundred years until in the fourth generation their great-great-great grandson visualized the potential of the business idea and decided to fulfil the dream of Don José Navarro of which he was told by his parents.

Nowadays it is a fact, that the brothers Navarro Núñez recovered the traditions of the family as well as of the country by offering products that were produced in a friendly ecological environment with modern processes of plantation.

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Navcafé de Costa Rica
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